Using Containers in Development — Docker, Kubernetes, and Modern Practices


Containerization has become an essential part of the modern development and deployment process. One of the most popular tools is Docker, which allows packaging applications and their dependencies into containers. This makes transferring applications between different environments simple and fast.

Developers can run the same container on different machines, whether on a local computer, in the cloud, or on a server, ensuring stable application performance regardless of the system configuration.

Kubernetes complements Docker by providing mechanisms for managing multiple containers in a distributed system. It takes over orchestration tasks: automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containers, making it a powerful tool for working with microservice architectures and large-scale projects.

One example of Docker usage is deploying your own VPN server based on the Outline project. This solution from Google allows you to quickly set up a VPN to ensure secure internet connection.

The setup process via Docker is extremely simple. After purchasing a virtual machine, which can be obtained from our company, the user can install Docker and launch the Outline VPN using the following commands (we recommend using Outline Manager during installation):

sudo bash -c "$(wget -qO-"

This command creates a container with a VPN server that will run on the virtual machine. By purchasing a virtual machine from us, users gain full control over the setup and deployment process, and Docker ensures the convenience and speed of this process.

Thus, using containers in development significantly simplifies the deployment of applications and infrastructure. Technologies like Docker and Kubernetes enable teams to develop, test, and scale applications with minimal time and effort, providing reliable and flexible solutions for businesses.

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